Tuesday, April 24, 2007

About CivicSpatial Grants

The CivicSpatial grant program is a 3-year grant initiative to help local governments improve the quality of their cadastral base and assist in the maintenance and sharing of this data.

The program mission is to:

Encourage Local Government participation in the ICIS program of building the province-wide cadastral fabric, by offsetting their costs of data contributions.

Our vision of success is:

A cadastral fabric that is accurate and up-to-date with all local governments participating in its maintenance.

We intend to reach our vision through the following objectives:
  • Improve the accuracy of local government cadastral data through funding data improvement projects
  • Improve the currency of data through frequent automated updates
  • Improve completeness with the inclusion of Crown parcels
  • Provide value back to local governments to encourage their participation in ICIS
  • Provide value to all ICIS members through availability of a comprehensive and current cadastral fabric

The program is guided by the following principles:

  • Funding support is provided in a fair and equitable manner including a transparent evaluation process
  • Funding is provided based on priority need established by the ICIS Board of Directors
  • The program provides measurable results
  • The program is available to local governments that have a signed Data Sharing and Licencing Agreement DSLA with ICIS
  • Encourage cooperation among local governments
  • Provide value back to local governments for their effort

Program Details

Local governments can apply for CivicSpatial grants to:

  1. Undertake specific projects which help meet the program’s objectives or,
  2. Commit to frequent automated submission of data as changes occur.
The general funding allocation is:

  • $10,000 per region (as defined by the Regional District boundary) for improvement of cadastral mapping accuracy
  • $1,500 per local government where the local government commits to submitting their cadastral data to ICIS standards and as changes occur[1]

The amounts will be distributed either as cash or equivalent technical assistance provided by ICIS staff or contractors.

Members will be encouraged to pool the funding to undertake larger projects. For example, a Regional District and its member municipalities can pool the money to undertake a boundary resolution project. In this case, a regional district with 8 member municipalities would be entitled to a grant totalling up to $22,000.

Grants will be issued over the three-year period of this program and based upon a priority ranking amongst the applicants. Grants will be awarded based on criteria that includes whether the project is in a high-priority area, is a joint project and whether the applicant provides matching funds.

Criteria will be used to evaluate priority of applications based on a 100 point scale:

  1. Signed DSLA (pass or fail) – the applicant(s) must have a signed licensing agreement filed with ICIS.
  2. Currency (pass or fail) – the applicant must commit to supplying their data as changes occur (differs from current DSLA requirement)
  3. Joint Application (20 points) – the application includes all local governments and the Regional District. Fewer points are awarded for less participation
  4. Clear Deliverable (20 points) – the applicant demonstrates a clear and measurable deliverable resulting from the proposed project
  5. Management (10 points) – the applicant demonstrates the skills and ability to manage the project either by themselves or through a third party
  6. Funding Member Priority (20 points) – the applicant is considered to be in a high-priority area as defined by the program funding members (utility companies, BC Assessment and Province of BC)
  7. Shared Funding (20 points) – the applicant or other agency is willing to commit additional funding for the project. A matching amount would be awarded the full 20 points
  8. Proposed lots and/or Crown Parcels (10 points) – the applicant is willing to provide ICIS with proposed lots (subdivisions submitted to the local authority but not yet registered) and/or Crown parcels integrated into their resulting cadastral fabric

Examples of projects that will be considered for funding include:

  • Commitment of regular submission of cadastral data
  • Adopt the Integrated Cadastral Fabric ICF by moving infrastructure data to the new base
  • Establish new survey control
  • Resolve local government boundary discrepancies

How to Apply

Go to www.icisociety.ca and follow the CivicSpatial link

For more information contact:

Steven Garner
CivicSpatial Program Manager

Tel: 250-381-9295
Dir: 250-483-5259
Toll Free: 1-866-403-0095